Unlimited Blade World | Background | Research | Tex Art |
無限劍宇 | 背景 | 研究 | 数·图 |
Qiu Yu 邱宇
职位: 教授 @ 清华大学 丘成桐数学科学中心
电子邮件: yu.qiu@bath.edu
地址: 中国 北京 清华大学 双清综合楼C650
41 Contractibility and total semi-stability conditions of Euclidean quivers, with Xiaoting Zhang,
40 From mutation to X-evolution: flows and foliations on cluster complexes, with Liheng Tang,
39 Verdier quotients of Calabi-Yau categories from quivers with potential, with Anna Barbieri,
38 Perverse schobers, stability conditions and quadratic differentials II: relative graded Brauer graph algebras, with Merlin Christ and Fabian Haiden,
37 Dg enhanced orbit categories and applications, with Li Fan and Bernhard Keller,
36 A geometric realization of Koszul duality for graded gentle algebras, with Zixu Li and Yu Zhou,
35 Moduli spaces of quadratic differentials: Abel-Jacobi map and deformation,
34 Quadratic Differentials as Stability Conditions of Graded Skew-gentle Algebras, with Suiqi Lu and Dongjian Wu,
33 Perverse schobers, stability conditions and quadratic differentials I, with Merlin Christ and Fabian Haiden,
32 Two geometric models for graded skew-gentle algebras, with Chao Zhang and Yu Zhou,
31 Graded decorated marked surfaces: Calabi-Yau-X categories of gentle algebras, with Akishi Ikeda and Yu Zhou,
- On the focus order of planar polynomial differential equations, with Jiazhong Yang,
J. Diff. Equations, 246 (2009), 3361-3379. - Ext-quivers of hearts of A-type and the orientation of associahedron,
J. Algebra, 393 (2013), 60-70. (arXiv:1202.6325) - Exchange graphs and Ext quivers, with Alastair King,
Adv. Math. 285 (2015), 1106–1154. (arXiv:1109.2924) - Stability conditions and quantum dilogarithm identities for Dynkin quivers,
Adv. Math. 269 (2015), 220-264. (arXiv:1111.1010) - Tagged mapping class group: Auslander-Reiten translations, with Thomas Brüstle,
Math. Zeit. 279 (2015), 1103-1120. (arXiv:1212.0007) - C-sortable words as green mutation sequences,
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 111 (2015), 1052-1070. (arXiv:1205.0034) - Decorated marked surfaces: Spherical twists versus braid twists,
Math. Ann. 365 (2016), 595-633. (arXiv:1407.0806). - Cluster categories for marked surfaces: punctured case, with Yu Zhou,
Compos. Math. 153 (2017), 1779-1819. (arXiv:1311.0010) - Decorated marked surfaces (Part B): Topological realizations,
Math. Zeit. 288 (2018) 39–53. - Contractible stability spaces and faithful braid group actions, with Jon Woolf,
Geom. & Topol. 22 (2018) 3701–3760. (arXiv:1407.5986) - DMS~II: Intersection numbers and dimensions of Homs, with Yu Zhou,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 372(2019) 635–660. (arXiv:1411.4003) - The braid group for a quiver with superpotential,
Sci. China. Math. 62 (2019) 1241–1256. (arXiv:1712.09585) - Stability conditions and A2 quivers, with Tom Bridgeland and Tom Sutherland,
Adv. Math. 365 (2020), 107049. (arXiv:1406.2566) - Finite presentations for spherical/braid twist groups, with Yu Zhou,
J. Topology . 13 (2020) 501-538. (arXiv:1703.10053) - Cluster exchange groupoids and framed quadratic differentials, with Alastair King,
Invent. Math. 220 (2020) 479–523. (arXiv:1805.00030) - DMS~III: The derived category of a decorated marked surface, with Aslak Buan and Yu Zhou,
Int. Math. Res. Notices 17 (2021) 12967-12992. (arXiv:1804.00094) - Global dimension function on stability conditions and Gepner equations,
Math. Zeit. 303 (2023) No.11. (arXiv:1807.00010) - q-Stability conditions on Calabi-Yau-X categories, with Akishi IKeda,
Compos. Math. 159 (2023), 1347–1386. (arXiv:1807.00469) - Contractibility of space of stability conditions on the projective plane via global dimension function with Yu-Wei Fan, Chunyi Li, and Wanmin Liu,
Math. Res. Letter 30 (2023), 51–87. (arXiv:2001.11984) - Frobenius morphisms and stability conditions, with Wen Chang,
Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 60 (2024), 271–303. arXiv:1210.0243 - q-Stability conditions via q-quadratic differentials, with Akishi Ikeda,
Memoirs of Amer. Math. Soc. to appear. arXiv:1812.00010 - Geometric model for module categories of Dynkin quivers via hearts of total stability conditions, with Wen Chang and Xiaoting Zhang,
J. Algebra 638 (2024), 57-89. (arxiv:2208.00073) - Quadratic differentials as stability conditions: collapsing subsurfaces, with Anna Barbieri, Martin Möller and Jeonghoon So,
J. reine angew. Math. (Crelle’s Journal) 810 (2024), 49-95. (arxiv:2212.08433) - Contractible flow of stability conditions via global dimension function.
J. Diff. Geom. 129 (2025), 491-521. (arXiv:2008.00282) - Cluster braid groups of Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams, with Zhe Han and Ping He,
J. Comb. Theory (A), 208 (2024), 105935. (arXiv:2310.02871) - Topological model for q-deformed rational number and categorification, with Li Fan,
Rev. Mat. Iberoam., to appear. (arxiv:2306.00063) - Geometric classification of totally stable stability spaces, with Xiaoting Zhang,
Math. Zeit. 309 (2025) No.58. (arxiv:2202.00092) - Fusion-stable structures on triangulation categories, with Xiaoting Zhang,
Selecta Math. to appear. (aXiv:2310.02917)
- Topological structure of spaces of stability conditions and top. Fukaya type categories,
Proceedings of the International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians (2017) 521–538, Int. Press, Boston, MA, 2020. (arXiv:1806.00010) - Decorated Marked Surfaces: Calabi-Yau categories and related topics,
Proceeding of the 51st Symposium on Ring Theory and Rep. Theory, 129–134, Symp. Ring Theory Represent. Theory Organ. Comm., Shizuoka, 2019. (arXiv:1812.00008)
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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